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website devlog

1/13/2024: ITS ALIIIIVE! started this actual devlog (how meta!)

1/14/2024: started about me page; created side navigation; imported fonts; decided on a red and white scheme for now.added link page

1/15/2024: started uploading actual portfolio images...kind of want to bash my head into a walll on a.) what kind of images i want and b.) how i actually want to display them. AGONY

5/1/2024: its been a minute, HAH! but we finally busted through the wall of images and now we can continue on the grind. added image to sidebar + started selected works

5/2/2024: added footer, fixed sidebar stuff, LOTS of troubleshooting to get the mobile nav to work but, she's here! also finalized home page, created some "buttons" (images), very cute.