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2024 | 56 pages | auto bio ramblings

OH...HUH! is a 56 page loosey goosey autobio comic, reflecting on my own experience with being transgender through the lens of magic and horror. (its a happy ending, i promise!). for a long time, i felt quite trapped in my body, with perceivably no exit; now, further in my transition, i no longer want to leave it at all. the most vulnerable thing i’ve ever made, by far. this comic is part of my current fundraising efforts to help make top surgery a possibility for me, so every copy helps immensely! CONTENT WARNINGS: this book includes discussions of body image/body dysmorphia/gender dysphoria, stylized depictions of body horror (mostly blood, nothing incredibly graphic), and a brief mention of trichotillomania. the book includes more specifics on the page(s) these themes pop up.

read it: digitally | physically (preorder)


2024 | 18 pages | 18+ (suggestive lesbian tech talk)

MAINTENANCE bravely asks the question: "what if a robot liked it (in a sexual way) when their creator performed upkeep on them and they were both girls???". butch robot scientist 4 femme robot. lots of wires + hand stuff. originally created for + printed as WBMC's april 2024 comic.

read it: digitally (it's free!)